Fees and Charges Information

Terms and Conditions for all Enrolments

This is AVTES fees and charges information. Tuition fees are detailed at the qualifications level on the AVTES website and advised via the Statement of Fees provided prior to enrolment. Tuition fees are subject to change so please refer to our website for up to date individual course fees or alternatively contact our office on 1300 764 418 for fee information. The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Training materials relevant to the course are supplied by AVTES.

Tuition fees are applied over the course duration referred to as an enrolment period, as detailed on individual training plans.

Please note: Where an enrolment period expires before course completion a new enrolment period will need to be applied with fees for remaining units to be charged at the current and published fee rate.

Other Fees

  • Credit transfers: A $10 administration fee per unit applies to equivalent Credit Transfers issued by other RTOs.
  • Additional fees: An additional fee will apply to students enrolling in supplementary units or with expired enrolment periods.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): A $500 Application Fee and the published fee will apply for RPL enrolments. The Application Fee is payable upon submission of an application.  
  • Expired enrolment periods: Where an enrolment period expires before course completion a new enrolment period will apply with fees for remaining units to be charged at the current fee rate.

Fee For Service (FFS) Tuition Fees

Students enrolling in Fee for Service training are charged in line with the above information and in line with non-subsidised rates.

Skills First Program (SFP) Tuition Fees

Enrolments in the Skills First Program subsidised training program require a fee contribution to cover the full costs of the program. All participants will be required to pay a tuition fee as detailed in the course published on the AVTES website and the Statement of Fees supplied prior to enrolment.

These fees are applicable for the course duration set by AVTES and detailed on individual training plans, after which time changes to fees may apply. Students enrolling in SFP subsidised training are charged in line with the above information and in line with subsidised rates. Published fees are based in qualification program hours and tuition fees may vary depending on units/hours undertaken, elective changes and student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.

Skills First Program (SFP) Fee Concessions

Tuition fee concessions are available to eligible concession card holders, a dependent spouse or a dependent child of a concession card holder when they enrol in a qualification or skill set. Participants who are, at the commencement of training, in receipt of any of the following cards or a letter from the card issuer confirming the student is entitled to a concession are eligible for fee concessions:

  • Commonwealth Health Care Card
  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Veteran’s Gold Card

NB: Appropriate evidence of benefit status must be provided before a fee concession is granted and prior to commencement of training.

You must provide your original card or card issuer approval correspondence to be checked by use of a Digital Verification Service after which time, your proof of concession will be disposed of. The proof of concession must be valid and current at the time of checking. Should appropriate evidence not be provided in line with these requirements, the non-concession fee will be charged. A grace period may apply where this evidence is not provided during the enrolment process, but it must be supplied no later than 2 weeks after commencement of training and be valid and current at the time of training commencement. 

Asylum Seeker: Concession fees apply with program eligibility evidence as required proof.

Note: Students who are eligible for fee concessions will be charged 20% of the full tuition fee and be subject to eligibility testing each time a tuition fee is charged. Fee concessions only apply to Certificate IV level or below. Fee concessions are not available for courses at diploma level or above, or when tuition fees are being paid by an Australian Government agency or as part of a Commonwealth program or initiative. Concession card holders will be charged at the rate of 20% of the full fee.

Skills First Program (SFP) Fee Waivers / Exemptions

The following eligible individuals are entitled to have enrolment fees waived provided relevant criteria are met and required documentation sighted and retained:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Judy Lazarus Transition Centre
  • Young people on community based orders

Fee Collection and Payment Terms

Tuition fees are applied over the course duration and due and payable as per terms detailed on the tax invoice. Tuition fees are charged upon commencement of the qualification, with no fees required to be pre-paid in advance. Short course fees are charged and collected in advance.

Student Payment Conditions

Tuition fees are due and payable upon receipt of invoice/s according to the terms of the invoice.

Employer Payment Conditions

Payments made by employers are negotiated in line with our fees and charges and due and payable upon the terms detailed on the tax invoice. Payments must be adhered to and payment made by the due date or AVTES reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the student from their training program. 

Payment Methods

Payment methods include direct debit, EFT transfer, cash, cheque (please make ensure that it is made payable to AVTES) or credit card payment or a direct bank deposit. A direct debit application is included in the enrolment pack and where this method is used the application must be completed and returned prior to commencement of training. AVTES reserves the right not to commence training if this payment method option is requested and the Direct Debit form is not signed and returned promptly. Direct debit payments up to a maximum 6 X monthly instalments for Tuition fees are available. Direct debit arrangements must be adhered to with payment made by the due date or AVTES reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the student from their training program.

Overdue Fees

Where payment terms are not adhered to AVTES reserves the right to suspend or withdraw training. Overdue fees may be referred to a debt collection agency for recovery.

Refunds and Cancellations

  1. If a student cancels enrolment prior to commencement of a short course, a cancellation fee of $50 applies.
  2. If a student cancels enrolment in a short course after commencement of the course no refund is payable.
  3. If a student cancels or withdraws from a qualification, by written notice any time up until 4 weeks after the commencement date of training, a refund or adjustment of the tuition fee and any other charges paid by or on behalf of the student will occur, less an administration charge of $50. No refund is payable if notified over 4 weeks after commencement of training.
  4. If training is cancelled by AVTES at any time during the period of the student’s enrolment, a refund for a portion of fees paid will occur.
  5. AVTES reserves the right to grant refunds in other circumstances.
  6. In the event of closure AVTES will refund the portion of the tuition fees applicable to services which have not been used in training prior to the date of closure.

Printed Qualification Certificates and Statements of Attainment

All Qualification Certificates and Statements of Attainment are issued and supplied electronically. Printed hard copy certificates can be requested and supplied for an additional charge of $50.00. We suggest that you keep your certificate(s) in a safe place to avoid losing or misplacing them and that you ensure we have your correct address on record for forwarding your certificate(s).

Re-Issue Qualification Certificates and Statements of Attainment

Where a Qualification Certificate or Statement of Attainment re-issue is requested, a minimum charge of $50.00 applies. We suggest that you keep your certificate(s) in a safe place to avoid losing or misplacing them and ensure we have a correct address on record for forwarding purposes.

Consumer Rights

All students have rights in accordance with Commonwealth and State Consumer Law. In the event of closure or ceasing to deliver any part of the training product a student is enrolled in AVTES will offer refunds to learners in accordance with AVTES Refund policy and students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment that records units of competencies successfully completed to date. Competencies issued to a student since 2015 are available on the students’ authenticated VET transcripts via the USI System and you can give AVTES authority to view these. AVTES will ensure where requested by a regulator accurate student records are provided in a timely manner.

Service Guarantee

With the full cooperation of all parties in meeting their respective responsibilities and the full payment of all due fees, AVTES guarantees to complete the training and assessment once the student has commenced study in their chosen qualification or course.