
Profitable Takeaway Introduction

Lesson 1

Welcome To Simple. Profitable. Takeaway Online Course!

We've been working with hospitality businesses for over 20 years - helping them train their staff and develop more profitable operations.

This course is free. During this difficult time, we are proud to provide this free onine course to the hospitality business owners, managers and workers that need it. However, we ask that you register your details to access the course content. Our registration process includes the option for you to make a contribution. We have worked hard to build our skills and knowledge over many years and building and maintaining this course, as well as providing a central place for feedback and communication. While we completely understand that you may not be able to make a contribution at this time, we greatly appreciate any contribution you can make. Either way, we welcome you to join our course on Simple. Profitable. Takeaway!

You can expect to find reading material, videos and worksheets to assist you to build your own profitable takeaway arm for your hospitality business. I hope you get a lot of value out of this course. We welcome any feedback to

Should You Be Doing Takeaway?

In A Word... YES

Home delivery was on a pretty good trajectory before COVID, With the ‘food delivery’ providers entry to the market, millenials had already embraced food delivery. But with recent restrictions, older generations have had no choice but to give take-away and delivery a go.

In a recent interview with Simplot Australia, David White reported that takeaway was up by nearly 200%. That’s a huge increase and it’s really been the only thing that has enabled hospitality businesses to remain opened during the current pandemic.

With uncertainty and restrictions continuing to affect customer behaviour, takeaway is here to stay, for at least the next 12 months. And for those that can do it well, this additional source of income could become a huge part of your successful business model. So yes, doing take-away and/or delivery is a good idea.

Takeaway And / Or Delivery?

Whether or not to include delivery as part of your take-away offer is a personal decision.

There has been a boom of ‘delivery services’ pop up, But the high fees these services charge, and the increasingly affordable and simple payment technology has seen a lot of operators returning to do it themselves.

And there are benefits to this – you can control the customer experience and reap all the profit. Because the thing is the customer doesn’t understand what’s impacting their food delivery, and this can impact significantly on your online reviews and ratings...

Imagine the difference between a contracted delivery driver with no interest in your business, compared to a trained staff member wearing your uniform, presenting your dishes, and engaging in a friendly way with your customers? How much more likely is that to increase the likelihood of repeat and increased business?

If take-away is or will make up a large portion of your business, which it will for many hospitality businesses for a while, it is worth considering delivery as an option.

Do You Need Help With Your Takeaway Business?

With this course you can expect to gain knowledge that will save you a lot of time, money and heart ache - and help you build your own profitable takeaway business. But...

Unfortuantely I can't include all the skills and knowledge that we have as a team that could help you out (that would take a lot bigger course!)  


So I invite you to join our community of proactive hospitality business leaders in our Private Facebook Group - Hospitality Business Success. Here is a place for you to connect, learn and share, including things takeaway related.


And because times are really tough out there in hospitality at the moment... I'd like to offer you the chance to talk through your own situation - with an industry expert - free of charge.

If you sign up for this course and would like additional assistance, you can book a one-on-one Strategy Session. In this 30 minute call we'll develop a Success Action Plan so that you know what to focus on, and the next steps to take. 

If you'd like to take advantage of this offer, click the button below to reserve your spot on our calendar. Our calendar fills up fast, so if you don't see a time that fits, try back again, or email and I'll do the best I can to fit you in.

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