Complaints & Appeals

Every client and student of AVTES has the right to complain about how they are treated or the service they are provided with or appeal a decision to include assessment decisions or make a complaint involving the conduct of:

  1. a) AVTES, AVTES trainers, assessors or other staff;
  2. b) a third party providing services on AVTES’s behalf, its trainers, assessors or other staff; or
  3. c) a learner of AVTES.
  • We view complaints/appeals as an opportunity to improve our overall service and increase satisfaction with our services.
  • AVTES is committed to addressing complaints/appeals as soon as they emerge in an effort to successfully resolve the complaint/appeal through discussion and conciliation.
  • All complaints/appeals will be dealt with fairly. The process used by AVTES provides the client with an opportunity to have their complaint/appeal dealt with effectively and efficiently.
  • Furthermore, AVTES agrees to respond to and co-operate with any complaints handling mechanism or process established by the Department of Education from time to time.
  • Any complaints that involve allegations of AVTES employee’s misconduct as described under Reportable Conduct and Organisational Duty of Care towards a student under 18 years of age enrolled as a School-Based Apprentice or Trainee will fall under the Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme. AVTES will liaise with the student’s school in investigating any allegation.

How to make a complaint or appeal

AVTES has a system in place to ensure all complaints/appeals are acknowledged and addressed appropriately in line with government legislation and statutory guidelines. You are able to make a complaint/appeal in the following ways:

Informal complaint or appeal

Students/clients are encouraged to initially raise their concern informally with their TA or relevant AVTES staff member. The AVTES TA or staff member will hold discussions with you in an attempt to resolve the concern within 10 working days. Where a concern is of a complex or sensitive nature it may take more time to resolve. AVTES staff may seek guidance from AVTES management where needed in order to identify appropriate steps and strategies. If the concern is not resolved satisfactorily, you have the opportunity to take further action by making a formal complaint/appeal in writing.

Formal complaint or appeal

If your concern is not resolved satisfactorily, you have the opportunity to take further action by making a formal complaint/appeal in writing. You may submit a written complaint/appeal to the Directors of AVTES using the Complaint/Appeal Application form available by request from our office, on the AVTES website or by phoning 1300 764 418. The written complaint/appeal can be lodged via email or post.

What happens when you lodge a complaint or appeal?

When a written complaint/appeal using the AVTES Complaint/Appeal Application form is received, AVTES will acknowledge in writing that we have received your written complaint/appeal within 10 working days. Discussions between the relevant Trainer Assessor, Program/Department Manager and possibly student or client will take place to determine an appropriate outcome.

AVTES aims to process the complaint and provide a response to include the steps taken and outcome, including rationale, in writing within 20 working days.

Responses are made in writing to ensure details are communicated clearly and as a record of the dealings of any complaint. The response provided will include the steps taken, and any recommendations and reasons for the decision/s taken by AVTES. This written response can be provided by one of the following means;

  • on AVTES letterhead
  • the relevant applicant form record
  • by email

If more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, AVTES will inform you in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required, and to regularly update you on the progress of the matter.

Right of review

If an issue remains unresolved or you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have the right to review by an external independent body of your choice and are either entitled to contact one or can request the matter be referred.

Relevant external independent bodies:

Consumer protection agencies such as;

Training regulator authorities such as;

AVTES is to give due consideration to any recommendations arising from the external review.

What happens once a complaint or appeal is dealt with?

  • All documentation relating to the complaint/appeal will be retained securely.
  • AVTES will action any reasonably practicable improvements that may be required to its operations and practices in order to avoid substantiated complaints/appeals.
  • AVTES will ensure that all complaints and appeals lodged are recorded and stored in the organisation’s Complaints and Appeals Register within 30 days of a complaint/appeal or appeal being satisfactorily resolved.