Discipline Policy

It is the policy of AVTES to work collaboratively with all stakeholders in providing training and assessment services. Unfortunately, there are occasions where disciplinary action may be taken as a result of failure to comply with the requirements of the training process as outlined and agreed to at the commencement of training. Instances requiring disciplinary measures by AVTES can include the following:

  • student’s failure to meet program timeframes
  • employer’s failure to provide and record Structured Training Withdrawal as required in apprenticeship/traineeship programs
  • failure to pay tuition and/or materials fees

In summary, the following actions may be taken with respect to the above instances:

  • Regular failure of a student to meet program assessment timeframes may result in withdrawal from a program.  And re-enrolment and re-invoicing may result if enrolment periods are exceeded.
  • Failure of an employer under an apprenticeship/traineeship training agreement to allocate Structured Training Withdrawal may result in intervention by an Apprenticeship Field Officer. In addition, the student’s training program cannot be completed as program requirements will not be met.
  • Certificates will not be forwarded where training program fees remain outstanding.

If there are difficulties in paying fees or meeting program timeframes and requirements, it is the responsibility of the student and/or employer to renegotiate alternative arrangements with the AVTES Accounts Department. As the Trainer Assessor is in touch with the student on a monthly basis, there are regular opportunities to identify and discuss any difficulties as they arise. And seek solutions and effective strategies to address them.