Responsibilities of Employer and Student / Structured Training Withdrawal


AVTES Trainer Assessor

The AVTES Trainer Assessor will ensure that students are correctly enrolled by undertaking and processing various reviews, ie; recognition of prior learning and the assessment of language, literacy and numeracy competency levels.

The Trainer Assessor is responsible for the training and assessment and will assist students in the completion of their training program. They will keep in contact with the student at least once a month (more if required), and will answer all queries and attempt to solve all training related problems within a short space of time.

They will provide pastoral care to students whilst they are undertaking training and will respond promptly to any training concerns the student may have.  They will also direct students to appropriate welfare agencies and guidance counsellors as deemed appropriate and in line with AVTES organisational policy.



You are encouraged to take responsibility for your training by self-managing the training program and becoming actively involved in your training. Attend pre-arranged meetings with your Trainer Assessor. Make the most of these meetings – prepare by completing any work requirements per the training plan and take with you any relevant training materials.

  • Ask Questions: questions show you are interested and provide you with further information or confirmation.
  • Practice: practicing skills can improve performance and maximise success for assessment.
  • Commitment: committing to your training program is essential. It is your responsibility to complete your training program within the training plan’s timeframe.
  • Stay on Track: keep track of dates on the training plan and make sure you do not get behind. If you do look like falling behind, let your Trainer Assessor know as soon as possible so that your training plan dates can be revised.
  • Assessments: complete assessments as and when scheduled – if you are having trouble with any of the questions or do not understand what is required, let your Trainer Assessor know. Your Trainer Assessor will organise to collect the assessments by negotiation with you, however if you fall behind your Trainer Assessor may ask you to complete assessments at a faster pace.


Employer / Supervisor (for apprenticeship/traineeship programs)

It is important that the employer reads and understands the “Employer Handbook” supplied by AVTES which outlines employer responsibilities.  The employer and supervisor are also encouraged to read “A Guide to the Supervision of Apprentices and Trainees”, an additional publication which provides information on how best to actively support the apprentices and trainees in their training.

The employer is required to provide the apprentice/trainee with support and training time as per the formal training agreement so that training requirements can be met. It is also the employer’s responsibility to organise a suitable workplace supervisor/s.

Attendance at pre-arranged meetings with the AVTES Trainer Assessor and the support of scheduled workplace visits is vital.

It is important that the employer and/or supervisor assist in developing the training plan and scheduling of required workplace visits and discuss training progress and any related issues regarding the apprentice/trainee with the AVTES Trainer Assessor.

The employer and/or supervisor should regularly discuss training plan progress and work requirements with the apprentice/trainee so that they remain informed about their program.

Mentoring and/or on-the-job instructions that relate to the training program should be provided and recorded as requested.


Additional responsibilities under apprenticeship/traineeship arrangements

Trainer Assessors will provide apprentices/trainees and their workplace with suitable materials to support training in required competencies and provide feedback on any assessment tasks completed.

AVTES’ Trainer Assessors will regularly liaise with the employer and/or supervisor to discuss the apprentice’s/trainee’s progress.  In addition, they will complete requirements associated with government incentives.

They will also ensure that all units of competency results are recorded and that the apprentice/trainee graduates with a formal certificate upon the successful completion of their training program.

You will have monthly contact with your Trainer Assessor and be visited by them in your workplace a minimum of four times (in addition to the induction meeting) during the course of your apprenticeship/traineeship.


Structured Training Withdrawal (STW)

Where the workplace training model is followed under an apprenticeship/traineeship arrangement, the Victorian Government requires the workplace to provide time withdrawn from normal or routine duties for the purpose of training. There are set guidelines for the time allocation and this information is presented by the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network performing the sign up.

This time allocation is known as Structured Training Withdrawal. At a Certificate III level and above, a minimum of three (3) hours per week, averaged over a four week cycle, is required for a full-time employee (pro rata for part time). AVTES is required to monitor and document the withdrawal time and structured training activities on a monthly basis.

Where an employer/supervisor does not allow the apprentice/trainee to be withdrawn from routine work duties for the applicable minimum specified time, there is a requirement for AVTES to report this to the Victoria Registration and Qualifications Authority within 14 days if initial consultation with the employer/supervisor does not resolve the issue.


Discipline Policy

It is the policy of AVTES to work collaboratively with all stakeholders in providing training and assessment services. Unfortunately, there are occasions where disciplinary action may be taken as a result of failure to comply with the requirements of the training process as outlined and agreed to at the commencement of training. Instances requiring disciplinary measures by AVTES can include the following:

  • student’s failure to meet program timeframes
  • employer’s failure to provide and record Structured Training Withdrawal as required in apprenticeship/traineeship programs
  • failure to pay tuition and/or materials fees

In summary, the following actions may be taken with respect to the above instances:

  • Regular failure of a student to meet program assessment timeframes may result in withdrawal from a program. Re-enrolment and re-invoicing may result if enrolment periods are exceeded.
  • Failure of an employer under an apprenticeship/traineeship training agreement to allocate Structured Training Withdrawal may result in intervention by an Apprenticeship Field Officer. In addition, the student’s training program cannot be completed as program requirements will not be met.
  • Certificates will not be forwarded where training program fees remain outstanding.

If there are difficulties in paying fees or meeting program timeframes and requirements, it is the responsibility of the student and/or employer to renegotiate alternative arrangements with the AVTES Accounts Department. As the Trainer Assessor is in touch with the student on a monthly basis, there are regular opportunities to identify and discuss any difficulties as they arise and seek solutions and effective strategies to address them.


Extension To Training Contract

If you are currently undertaking an apprenticeship/traineeship and believe that you will be unable to complete the training program by the nominal completion date of your Training Contract, an application for an extension to the term of the Training Contact must be made. This application should be lodged via the relevant Apprenticeship Support Network Provider.